Continuous pseudo-labeling (PL) algorithms such as slimIPL have recently emerged as a powerful strategy for semi-supervised learning in speech recognition. In contrast with earlier strategies that alternated between training a model and generating pseudo-labels (PLs) with it, here PLs are generated in end-to-end manner as training proceeds, improving training speed and the accuracy of the final model. PL shares a common theme with teacher-student models such as distillation in that a teacher model generates targets that need to be mimicked by the student model being trained. However, interestingly, PL strategies in general use hard-labels, whereas distillation uses the distribution over labels as the target to mimic. Inspired by distillation we expect that specifying the whole distribution (aka soft-labels) over sequences as the target for unlabeled data, instead of a single best pass pseudo-labeled transcript (hard-labels) should improve PL performance and convergence. Surprisingly and unexpectedly, we find that soft-labels targets can lead to training divergence, with the model collapsing to a degenerate token distribution per frame. We hypothesize that the reason this does not happen with hard-labels is that training loss on hard-labels imposes sequence-level consistency that keeps the model from collapsing to the degenerate solution. In this paper, we show several experiments that support this hypothesis, and experiment with several regularization approaches that can ameliorate the degenerate collapse when using soft-labels. These approaches can bring the accuracy of soft-labels closer to that of hard-labels, and while they are unable to outperform them yet, they serve as a useful framework for further improvements.
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注意力机制是秩序不变的。位置编码是一个重要组成部分,以允许基于关注的深层模型架构,例如变压器来解决信息问题的序列或图像。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于学习傅里叶特征的新型位置编码方法。而不是将每个位置硬编码为令牌或向量,而是表示可以是多维的每个位置,作为基于被动傅里叶特征映射的可训练编码,用多层的傅立刻调制。表示对于空间多维位置,例如,在图像上的像素位置,其中需要捕获$ L_2 $距离或更复杂的位置关系。我们基于几个公共基准任务的实验表明,我们的学习傅里叶特征表示,用于多维位置编码的多维位置编码通过提高准确度并允许更快的收敛来实现现有方法。
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Graph convolutional network (GCN) has been successfully applied to many graph-based applications; however, training a large-scale GCN remains challenging. Current SGD-based algorithms suffer from either a high computational cost that exponentially grows with number of GCN layers, or a large space requirement for keeping the entire graph and the embedding of each node in memory. In this paper, we propose Cluster-GCN, a novel GCN algorithm that is suitable for SGD-based training by exploiting the graph clustering structure. Cluster-GCN works as the following: at each step, it samples a block of nodes that associate with a dense subgraph identified by a graph clustering algorithm, and restricts the neighborhood search within this subgraph. This simple but effective strategy leads to significantly improved memory and computational efficiency while being able to achieve comparable test accuracy with previous algorithms. To test the scalability of our algorithm, we create a new Amazon2M data with 2 million nodes and 61 million edges which is more than 5 times larger than the previous largest publicly available dataset (Reddit). For training a 3-layer GCN on this data, Cluster-GCN is faster than the previous state-of-the-art VR-GCN (1523 seconds vs 1961 seconds) and using much less memory (2.2GB vs 11.2GB). Furthermore, for training 4 layer GCN on this data, our algorithm can finish in around 36 minutes while all the existing GCN training algorithms fail to train due to the out-of-memory issue. Furthermore, Cluster-GCN allows us to train much deeper GCN without much time and memory overhead, which leads to improved prediction accuracy-using a 5-layer Cluster-GCN, we achieve state-of-the-art test F1 score 99.36 on the PPI dataset, while the previous best result was 98.71 by [16]. Our codes are publicly available at tree/master/cluster_gcn.
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Transfer learning from natural image datasets, particularly I N , using standard large models and corresponding pretrained weights has become a de-facto method for deep learning applications to medical imaging. However, there are fundamental di erences in data sizes, features and task speci cations between natural image classi cation and the target medical tasks, and there is little understanding of the e ects of transfer. In this paper, we explore properties of transfer learning for medical imaging. A performance evaluation on two large scale medical imaging tasks shows that surprisingly, transfer o ers little bene t to performance, and simple, lightweight models can perform comparably to I N architectures. Investigating the learned representations and features, we nd that some of the di erences from transfer learning are due to the over-parametrization of standard models rather than sophisticated feature reuse. We isolate where useful feature reuse occurs, and outline the implications for more e cient model exploration. We also explore feature independent bene ts of transfer arising from weight scalings.
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Despite their overwhelming capacity to overfit, deep learning architectures tend to generalize relatively well to unseen data, allowing them to be deployed in practice. However, explaining why this is the case is still an open area of research. One standing hypothesis that is gaining popularity, e.g. Hochreiter & Schmidhuber (1997);Keskar et al. (2017), is that the flatness of minima of the loss function found by stochastic gradient based methods results in good generalization. This paper argues that most notions of flatness are problematic for deep models and can not be directly applied to explain generalization. Specifically, when focusing on deep networks with rectifier units, we can exploit the particular geometry of parameter space induced by the inherent symmetries that these architectures exhibit to build equivalent models corresponding to arbitrarily sharper minima. Furthermore, if we allow to reparametrize a function, the geometry of its parameters can change drastically without affecting its generalization properties.
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Despite their massive size, successful deep artificial neural networks can exhibit a remarkably small difference between training and test performance. Conventional wisdom attributes small generalization error either to properties of the model family, or to the regularization techniques used during training. Through extensive systematic experiments, we show how these traditional approaches fail to explain why large neural networks generalize well in practice. Specifically, our experiments establish that state-of-the-art convolutional networks for image classification trained with stochastic gradient methods easily fit a random labeling of the training data. This phenomenon is qualitatively unaffected by explicit regularization, and occurs even if we replace the true images by completely unstructured random noise. We corroborate these experimental findings with a theoretical construction showing that simple depth two neural networks already have perfect finite sample expressivity as soon as the number of parameters exceeds the number of data points as it usually does in practice. We interpret our experimental findings by comparison with traditional models. * Work performed while interning at Google Brain.† Work performed at Google Brain.
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Most existing machine learning classifiers are highly vulnerable to adversarial examples. An adversarial example is a sample of input data which has been modified very slightly in a way that is intended to cause a machine learning classifier to misclassify it. In many cases, these modifications can be so subtle that a human observer does not even notice the modification at all, yet the classifier still makes a mistake. Adversarial examples pose security concerns because they could be used to perform an attack on machine learning systems, even if the adversary has no access to the underlying model. Up to now, all previous work has assumed a threat model in which the adversary can feed data directly into the machine learning classifier. This is not always the case for systems operating in the physical world, for example those which are using signals from cameras and other sensors as input. This paper shows that even in such physical world scenarios, machine learning systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples. We demonstrate this by feeding adversarial images obtained from a cell-phone camera to an ImageNet Inception classifier and measuring the classification accuracy of the system. We find that a large fraction of adversarial examples are classified incorrectly even when perceived through the camera.
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Unsupervised learning of probabilistic models is a central yet challenging problem in machine learning. Specifically, designing models with tractable learning, sampling, inference and evaluation is crucial in solving this task. We extend the space of such models using real-valued non-volume preserving (real NVP) transformations, a set of powerful, stably invertible, and learnable transformations, resulting in an unsupervised learning algorithm with exact log-likelihood computation, exact and efficient sampling, exact and efficient inference of latent variables, and an interpretable latent space. We demonstrate its ability to model natural images on four datasets through sampling, log-likelihood evaluation, and latent variable manipulations.
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The standard recurrent neural network language model (rnnlm) generates sentences one word at a time and does not work from an explicit global sentence representation. In this work, we introduce and study an rnn-based variational autoencoder generative model that incorporates distributed latent representations of entire sentences. This factorization allows it to explicitly model holistic properties of sentences such as style, topic, and high-level syntactic features. Samples from the prior over these sentence representations remarkably produce diverse and well-formed sentences through simple deterministic decoding. By examining paths through this latent space, we are able to generate coherent novel sentences that interpolate between known sentences. We present techniques for solving the difficult learning problem presented by this model, demonstrate its effectiveness in imputing missing words, explore many interesting properties of the model's latent sentence space, and present negative results on the use of the model in language modeling.
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